Tuesday 18 November 2008

Blood Thicker than Water... GO UTES!

It's been a wonderful morning! I woke up and read something positive in the media about brown folks...wow imagine that! lol! Check out this awesome article about my uncle Tom Sitake!

Sitake has been a BYU fan all of his life — as loyal as you'll find on the planet. But his son, Kalani Sitake, a former Cougar fullback, draws a paycheck from the University Utah as the Utes' linebackers coach. It's his son's job to find a way to disrupt and ground Max Hall and the Cougar offense come Saturday.

"It's pretty simple," Sitake said Monday as he prepared for this week and a game he calls the most dramatic in rivalry history. "My loyalties are with my son. I love my son, I support Kalani, I have his back and he can count on me, win or lose.

"I am a BYU fan, I always will be, but my son has my love, my loyalty, and I want him to succeed."
Read more HERE

Gotta love the fierce love of a father for his son!!! Now that's more reflective of our Pacific culture than all the crazy crimes they love to highlight in the media!


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