Tuesday 4 January 2011

Citizens’ Protection Minister Christos Papoutsis announced that authorities plan to build a fence along Greece’s 206-kilometer land border with Turkey

"Citizens’ Protection Minister Christos Papoutsis announced that authorities plan to build a fence along Greece’s 206-kilometer land border with Turkey, similar to the US-Mexico frontier, in an effort to curb a seemingly endless influx of illegal immigrants.

In comments made to the Athens News Agency on Saturday, Papoutsis said the government was determined to harden its stance. He also expressed dissatisfaction with the contribution of other European Union countries in the fight to curb illegal immigration despite the mobilization of dozens of guards from the EU’s border monitoring agency Frontex along the Greek-Turkish border in November."

Greece has repeatedly been criticed by Amnesty International, the United Nations. the EU and many other European states over its failure to abide by treaty obligations concerning refugees and maltreatment of immigrants by police and border officials.

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