Tuesday 14 September 2010

Greek PM, Giorgos Papandreou - Thessaloniki, Greece

As I was waiting to take pictures of Papandreou outside the Vellidio conference centre I had the strangest feeling that I was being followed. However, it seems that my paranoia had some basis in fact when I realised that every time I moved position or went to chat to other photographers one of the PM's security detail would discretely shift position as well.

It was a little like having my own bodyguard as wherever I went he went as well. I guess they security detail were afraid of a repeat of the shoe throwing scene on Saturday that was captured by a BBC cameraman.

The fact that just one TV crew and a foreign one at that managed to captured the event sent the ruling PASOK party and large sections of the local media into a conspiracy theory frenzy with presenters on both Mega and Skai channels claiming that the whole episode was manufactured by the BBC in order to embarrass the country.

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