Sunday 12 September 2010

Doctor who threw shoe at Greek PM wrestled to the ground

Despite massive security measures including the drafting of 4500 extra police officers into the northern greek city of Thessaloniki a lone protester managed to throw a shoe at the Greek prime minsiter, Giorgos Papandreou just moments after leaving the city's international trade fair inaugeration.

The aged man was quickly wrestled to the ground by the PM' security detail and dragged off to a waiting police car shouting that the country was now a "junta"and the government had planned to steal people's homes.

Even during Papandreou's walk about inside the fair other protesters managed to get within feet of the PM and voice their anger over the government's employment policies.

Outside the fair Thessaloniki, Greece's second largest city has taken on the air of a city under siege with thousands of uniformed officers on every street corner and hundreds of riot police on high alert ahead of this evening's planned protest marches.

Yesterday evening fellow police officers along with firefigthers also marched in protest over cuts in salaries and planned changes to pension rights, closely followed by riot squad units.

More photographs on Demotix.

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