Friday 22 May 2009

Pacific Eye Radio Show--Pasifika Voices...


Mark your calendars won't want to miss next week's Pacific Eye Radio Show (May 28, 2009) as we talk story with some of our amazing young Pacific Islander Poets -- Vaimoana Niumeitolu, Jamaica Osorio, and Andrew Vai!!!
It is no secret that one of the daunting challenges our young people face, especially for those who live outside of the Islands is accessing information about their own history, culture, and genealogy. It is one of the most damaging legacies of colonization -- who in their process to "civilize" the natives sought to strip them of anything and everything that they possessed including land, families, language, stories, history and even memories... but we have proved over and over again, that our voices can never be destroyed, perhaps deferred and even silenced but never destroyed!

This show will be dedicated to all those who have refused to be silenced in an era where silencing voices of dissent has become the norm. Our guests this week are three amazing young Pacific Islander poets/spoken word artists who will talk to us about their poetry, what inspires them, why they do what they do, and what they hope to achieve. These brilliant young poets are using their God-given talents and gift of words to bring about awareness, to reclaim history, and to retell the stories that have often been marginalized but never fully colonized!
Read more about the show HERE

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