Tuesday 10 March 2009


We have two birthdays in our family today!

This blog entry is their birthday present because I am broke and can't buy a present... hahahahaha!!!!


This is my beautiful, amazing and very outspoken niece! She is never afraid to speak her mind and has an opinion about everything. When I first started organizing the H.Y.P.E. Movement, I was with her in her bedroom and out of no where she says to me:

'Ilaise: What is HYPE?

Me: It stands for Helping Youth Pursue Emancipation

'Ilaise: hmmm...interesting

Me: Do you think you can help me with it?

'Ilaise: hmmm...I dont know I am busy I have to clean my room

Me: I dont mean right now but at some point I am going to need you to help me get the word out

'Ilaise: hmmm...actually, if you help me clean my room then I will think about it
[actually is her favorite word]

Me: So if I help you clean your room then you will help me by telling all your friends about the HYPE Movement?

'Ilaise: I said I will THINK about it!!!

LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!!

I love you so much 'Ilaise and I'm wishing you many wonderful blessings on this beautiful day and forever!!!


[Tevita and the little monkeys]

My brother Tevita currently lives in Hawaii so I don't get to see him as often as I would like but I love him dearly! He has been an incredible influence in my academic journey.

When I was an undergraduate student at Utah State University and the challenges seemed overwhelming and I was ready to drop out of college, he drove out to Logan, picked me up and took me out to lunch and said to me "how are we going to ever challenge western paradigms if we are to give up now...you are too smart and too strong to let an educational institution push you out!!!"... that day I decided that no educational institution was going to push me out without a fight!!!

Thank you brother for seeing that potential in me even when I wasn't sure it was there!!! On this wonderful day, I hope that you receive the same amount of love and joy that you have always willingly shared with others!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

You can read more about my awesome brother HERE and HERE

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