Thursday 20 November 2008

Sweet November

November is a great month for my family but not so great for my bank account...LOL!!!

We have five birthdays in our family all in the month of November!

Happy Birthday Family!!!

This blog entry is your birthday present... hahahaha!!!!


[My two handsome nephews 'Amoni & Saione]

I love these two so much!!! They just turned 9 years old this month and it seems like the years have gone by so quickly! I love spending time with them and for some reason they think it's hilarious when they drive me crazy! hahahaha! One time they were making so much noise that my neighbor came over to see if we were having a party only to find two rowdy little boys jumping up and down pretending to be superheroes at a rock concert! hahahaha!!! Well...they will always be Rockstarz to me!!!

[My two Rockstar nephews]

I love you two so much...always have...always will!!!



[My beautiful sister 'Ana]

My youngest sister 'Ana is by far the kindest most loving person out of all my siblings! She will go out of her way to make sure that everyone is happy and will do anything for our family! She always tries to see the positive in everything and I mean everything... it gets kind of annoying sometimes... hahahaha!!! I am extremely blessed to have her in my life!!!

[My beautiful sister 'Ana and her two side kicks Ivoni Si'i and Pesi Si'i]

I love you so much sister!!! You are the best!!!



[My handsome brother Joe reppin' that HYPE]

What can I say about my brother Joe except that I love him so much!!! He is the quiet genius in our family (he is only quiet if you dont know him... hahaha)!!! My sisters and I have never had to buy our laptops or cell phones because he has purchased every single one for us because he is just awesome like that!!! Thanks for all that you do for us brother!!!

[My brother Joe and the Big Boss of our sister Sulia...LOL]

I love you so much brother!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

P.S. can I get an iphone for Christmas? Not an Iphony like Elsie's! mwahahahahaha!


[My beautiful Mom's graduation picture from BYU-Hawaii]

My Mom is the most beautiful, kindest, and strongest woman that I know! She exemplifies everything that I hope to become someday! She has sacrificed so much for us so that we can live our own dreams. She hasn't always agreed with all of our decisions, but she has always supported us, loved us, and even cried with us when necessary! I am able to live my life the way I want because I know her love is unconditional and constant!!! I love you so very much Mom!!!

[My beautiful and amazing Mom with my Dad, the love of her life...been married for 43 years and still going strong!!!]

Wishing you a Happy Birthday Mom today and for always!!!

'Ofa lahi atu!!!

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