Monday 24 November 2008

Media (mis)representation

There has been much controversey surrounding the new movie The Last Princess which is currently in post-production. The film chronicles the life of Hawaiian Princess Ka'iulani. Originially the filmmakers wanted the title of the movie to be "Barbarian Princess" (I wonder who the genius was that came up with that name??? so annoying) and later changed it due to protest from the Native Hawaiian community.

[The original name of the movie before it was changed to "The Last Princess" due to protest from the Hawaiian community]

Our friends at the Pacific Superhero Blog raises some important questions and issues about the challenges of our communities beings (mis)represented by outsiders.

My own personal opinion is that this movie should only be retold and made by Native Hawaiian filmmakers and no one else! I know that many of my readers would probably disagree with me on this issue, but I strongly believe this. We have seen over and over the ways in which our Pacific people, our histories, our stories, and our cultures have been (mis)represented, (mis)appropriated, and (mis)diagnosed by outsiders!

I really could care less if their intentions are good--my main concern is about impact and regardless of how good their intentions are--the negative impact of a stereotype (i.e. lazy natives, promiscuous hula dancers, noble savages, etc.), which was created by outsiders-- lasts for generations!

I am sure there are probably some great non-Pacific Islander filmakers who have created films about the Pacific that are good, accurate and responsible, but unfortunately they are the exception and not the rule!

Here is an idea for non-Pacific Islanders who love to research/study/film/diagnose/dissect the beautiful brown people from the Pacific:

How about you go and dig up your own ancestors and study their bones and then go and gather stories from your own family and then completely misrepresent their voices and exploit their experiences and put it up on the big screen!

That should be cutting edge and entertaining!!!

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