Saturday 15 November 2008

Happy Birthday Neekz!

It's my sister Nica's birthday today and she is probably getting thrown off the stage right now at the New Kids On The Block concert! LOL!!! She is a huge fan... I am so NOT a FAN...which is why I am at home babysitting our twin nephews while she is screaming at the top of her lungs at the concert...hahaha!!!

Anyways, Nica and I have been good friends since our Freshman year in college. Her sister was dating my brother (and are now married) so we kind of had to become friends! hahahahaha! She is an awesome friend...which is why I know she will forgive me for reminding her of some of our crazy college moments... LOL!!!

She was dating this guy in college who decided to be romantic and stand outside her dorm room window singing Celine Dion's "Power of Love"... of course the song is awesome...but it just didn't sound too romantic when he was singing "I am your lady and you are my man!!!"... hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

We also took the Missionary Preparation class together in college and we were suppose to get up at 7am the next morning to do our class service project...we stayed up so late the night before that when we woke up at 6:30 we started rushing to get ready before we finally realized that we had slept all day and that it was actually 6:30pm when we finally woke up...hahahahahahahahahaha!!!

There are so many more stories, but I will save it for another blog...LOL!

[Me and Nica during our first year of college...LOL!!! Don't hate on the helmet on my head!!! LOL!!!]

Nica is a huge sport's fan and I am trying to encourage her to pursue a career in being a Sportscaster. I think she would be awesome!!! Check her out on TV... (she didn't want me to post this...but too bad!!! LOL!!!)



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