Tuesday 11 November 2008

Get involved in the Process...

Education reform is very dear to my heart and I believe we have the opportunity to really make a difference during this Obama administration.

Obama is currently in the process of choosing his U.S. Secretary of Education and hopefully we can help impact his decision.

Dr. Linda Darling Hammond would be a great candidate for this position. I don't necessarily agree with all her views, but I really like how she examines educational issues from multiple perspectives. For example, here is her take on charter schools, which is a pretty fair critique that addresses the positives and also the challenges of Charter schools:

"I'm an advocate for good schools, and I think some charter schools allow us to do some things to create those schools. Some charters don't. The movement is very diverse. I don't think the issue is charter versus non-charter, it's how do we get schools to change in ways that are going to be more supportive to kids? I'd like to see regular public school districts taking charge of the issue the way charters are."

"Competition does not always breed quality. All you have to do is sit up one night and try to find a station on cable TV. The same thing is true in schools. The studies about charter schools across the country have shown that in many states the charter schools are doing less well than the regular public schools. So they're not a whole lot of competition in some ways. On the other hand I do think that creating good school models does show people that it is possible to break out of the mold. So the provision of high-quality modeling for schooling, whether charter or non-charter, is a good thing and in a sense may be what the proponents of competition have in mind."
Read more here

Please take a moment to read over the petition and also her bio and then consider signing the petition.

Take a stand and make your voice heard...

"Appoint Linda Darling-Hammond Secretary of Education" hosted on the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free online petitionservice. Click here to sign the petition.

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