Thursday 23 October 2008

Upcoming Educational Events...

If you live in Utah, please consider attending the following events...

Register for the Education Conference "It Takes a Village: A Network of Support – Empowering Parents in the Education of their Children." This conference is FREE and the last day to register is this Friday, October 24, 2008. Go to this link to register (This conference is specifically for parents, community leaders, educators, etc.)

Register for the 1st Annual Cross Cultural High School Senior Day (specifically for high school seniors) at the University of Utah by emailing or call 801-581-5966. This event is also FREE for high school seniors and the deadline is this Friday, October 24, 2008

Register for Utah State University's Diversity Days (specifically for high school juniors and seniors) by visiting their website at the deadline for registration is November 19, 2008.

November 05, 2008 6-8pm SLCC Youth Night FREE and open to the public Engage in discussions about SLCC and Financial Aid. Stephen Rogers from UHEAA will present on website (parents will get hands on computer training on utah mentor website). Please contact Lola Peterson for more information

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