Sunday 26 October 2008

Intelligent and Beautiful...

The newly crowned Miss South Pacific 2008-09-- Miss Vanessa Toriana Tracey Marsh from Niue exemplifies intelligence and beauty!

Here was her answer to the two questions that was posed to her during the Miss South Pacific Pageant.

MC: With all the the problems we are facing internationally, due to the fight for human rights and difference in opinion, what rights do you think all man should have and why?

Vanessa: Does 'man' include women and children?

MC: Yes.

Vanessa: Just checking to make sure. Every individual is placed here on this earth and are given an unduly right for life, for education, for their own religious beliefs and it's their utmost respect, that we as people should cultivate that and of course, in this ever changing society of global tension, of increasing fuel rates, there is such a wide need to recognize that these human rights are practiced and enforced...Children have their rights, women have their rights, men have their rights.

MC: Studies show that poverty is a major problem in the Pacific; what are the causes and what are some of the solutions?

Vanessa: Poverty in the Pacific is due to the failure to meet basic needs such as access to shelter, clean and adequate food and water. Also evident in the Pacific is poverty of opportunity where people’s opportunity to services, education and personal development is the last decade...poor economic performance of Pacific island developing countries, political instability and ethnic tensions have surfaced which has led to increasing levels of youth unemployment and emerging social problems that raises questions about the extent of poverty and its existence in the region
The article goes on to explain that:
Her (Vanessa Marsh) solutions include: good governance to provide reduction in poverty inclusive of all stakeholders to promote equal access to opportunities to invest and improve healthcare; emphasis on expanding knowledge of people and collaborative regional efforts to address the concerns for governments to address the issue at regional forums..
You can also read more here.

Congratulations Vanessa!!!

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